Monday, April 19, 2010

Drug addiction prevention

Yes.Addiction prevention don't really exist.If you take drugs to become cool , you can control some of the side effects.But finally you will become addict.Drink a coup of green tea for energy and for "cool" try some girls.

Just say no

Anti-Drug Video: Popular - The funniest bloopers are right here

Scientists fighting with addiction

Scientists create nanoparticle to fight drug addiction.

Some Frightening Facts about Alcoholism

Some Frightening Facts about Alcoholism and Facts about Drug Addiction:

* Alcoholism is a major health problem and ranks with cancer and heart disease as a threat to health. The alarming rates at which drug addiction is on the rise make it a massive threat in its own right
* Of all fatal accidents on roads, more than 50% involve alcohol
* Children of addicts and alcoholics are four times more likely to become addicts and alcoholics themselves than children of non-addicts
* drug addiction facts Alcohol is the most commonly used and widely abused psychoactive drug in the world
* One in ten people who drink become alcoholics. It may only take using a drug like heroin once or twice to become addicted
* Rates of alcohol and drug addiction are highest among adults aged 18-29
* Use of alcohol and drugs is one of the leading causes of death and injury among teenagers and young adults
* Violent behaviour attributed to alcohol use accounts for roughly 49% of murders, 52% of rapes, 21% of suicides and 60% of child abuse
* Around 90% of property related crimes, especially theft, and 90% of street muggings are made by drug addicts who need money to support their addiction


Drug abuse picture.Before and after drug addiction

This is the face of addiction

After drugs abuse.You can fight with drugs.Life is shortly.

Damn it.Picture before and after drug addiction.

Speak about heroin addiction

One reson to don't take powerful drugs.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Marijuana mushrooms photo

Pics from:

Say no paranoia.

Illegal drugs list

Over the last few years the trade of illegal drugs has been on the rise. In this post we have attempted to list most of the known illegal drugs on the black market. These drugs are very dangerous and can cause many serious illnesses and can be fatal if used. These drugs are documented by the Drug Enforcement Agency in the USA and though sometimes used in pharmaceutical preparations are deadly if abused. We have tried to rank these drugs in some order for your benefit and have included the scientific name where necessary.

The drugs are listed alphabetically using the following color codes:

* Most Dangerous and Extremely Addictive
* Less Dangerous but Highly Addictive
* Dangerous and Addictive

Cocaine: this is an extremely powerful stimulant that is very addictive and has damaging effects on the brain of any animal that uses it. Cocaine is made from cocoa leaves and has been abused as narcotic substance for well over 100 years. Mostly manufactured in the South America’s the pure version is called cocaine hydrochloride.

Crack: This is a much powerful and dangerous form of cocaine known as crack cocaine. It is actually the free-base form of the cocaine (”crack”). Crack is actually cocaine that has not been neutralized by any acid base that makes the hydrochloride salt which is cocaine in its most raw form. Crack is a rock crystal that is heated and the vapors inhaled. The name “crack” comes from the crackling sound one hears when the rock crystal is being heated.

Heroin: this highly addictive drug is a fast acting opiate. It is processed from morphine, a potent substance extracted out of the seed pod of poppy plants. Known on the street as black tar, heroin is usually injected and can lead to the worst addictive drug because it can be cut with other drugs such as crack and cocaine.

Hydrocodone: Known as antitussive (otherwise a cough suppressant) this is a prescription drug for mild to severe pain that has been abused for its neurotic qualities. It is one of the most popular cough suppressants and is equally as powerful in pain neutralizers as morphine.

Inhalants: This is not just any one drug but a combination of volatile solvents, nitrates, and gases. The inhalants are sniffed, snorted and inhaled to acquire a dunk feeling much like that of alcohol. The most popular inhalants are glue, cigarette lighter fluid, household cleaning fluids, and painting products. This is the most popular drug for minors to abuse as it is normally found around the home and access is free.

LSD: What is known as a lysergic acid compound that is a derivative of from ergot, the fungus used to develop on rye grass. More known for its therapeutic value it can also be abused.

Marijuana: The most comm. Illegal drug, marijuana or ganja is a dry, shredded mix of flowers, stems, seeds, and leaves of from the naturally grown Cannabis sativa. Though it is addictive is does have neurotic effects that can quickly damage the brain.

MDMA (Ecstasy): A terrible drug that is synthetic and psychoactive dedicated to creating a hallucinogenic fervor. Acting as a stimuli and psychedelic Ecstasy creates an energy effect and creates distortions in reality, time and perception of the taker and ultimately creates a seemingly joyful experience.

Methamphetamine (Crystal Meth): Quickly becoming the drug of choice in the USA. Its is a deadly drug that is highly addictive and detrimental to the human central nervous system. Its stimulant properties can cause serious brain damage in passive smokers and inhalers of the drug as well.

OxyContin®: This is actually a prescription drug that in some countries can be found over the counter or OTC. It is a painkiller prescribed for moderate and acute pain relief caused by physical injuries, arthritis, back pains, and pain felt during cancer treatments.

Anabolic steroids: These are laboratory produced variants of male hormone testosterone. These are used to promote muscle growth, however has some very damaging side effects such as brain damage and heart attacks.


Drugs abuse

War against drugs

A new drugs documentary.